

Hello, and welcome to my new blog, A Digi A Day.

A little about me first:
I am a middle school teacher.  I teach video game design and web design.  How I came to teach these two subjects to middle schoolers is a long story!  I started out as an art teacher and ended up in the wonderfully weird place. 
I love what I do!  And believe I am the luckiest teacher in the world! When I have more time I will update this page with more information about my story.

A little about this blog:
Over the years I have created many blogs.  Some I have stuck with, while others were a wimp soon to be forgotten.  This is yet another attempt to document yet another idea.
I wish I had the time and discipline to do one of those paint a day blogs but right now I just don't.  I love working in paint and photo editing programs so I will attempt to do a digital art piece a day.  Sometimes they will be quick and experimental and other times they will be more deliberate.  The goal is to create something everyday in order to exercise my creative muscles.
I hope you will follow along and see where it takes me.

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